Are you afraid of paying with your credit card, on the internet? You can pay by cash method, at the Post Office

Customers who are afraid of credit/debit card payments can, now pay by using cash at the Romanian Post Office.
Companies can collect invoices and online purchases through the Romanian Post, via a service launched by PlatiOnline.

More specifically, customers have the possibility to pay the equivalent value of their purchases and their invoices, directly at the counter of the Post Office, using cash.
The customers will receive online, via e-mail and SMS text, all the required information to finalize the payment and the company will be informed about the status of the transaction.

The new payment method is complementary to the online payment using credit/debit cards and is addressed to customers who prefer to pay using cash, for their bills, online shopping or services.

How it works

After placing the order on the website, the customer can choose to make the payment through the Post Office, selecting the “ Payment at the counter of the Romania Post Office” option which is found on the order form.
The system will immediately, display the payment form, sending the page with the barcode to the customer, via an email and SMS text. With this printed form, the customer can present themselves to the Post Office, where they can pay using cash.

The system will register the payments daily, between 2 PM and 5 PM, after which the companies are automatically notified – through the ITSN service (Instant Transaction Status Notification) – about the charged transactions, in order to start shipping the products or to provide the required services that were ordered by the customers.

After placing the order, the transaction will have the “pending charge through the Romanian Post Office” status, until the payment will be finalized.

The customer has 4 calendar days to make the payment. Otherwise, the order will become inactive and the transaction will change its status to “Expired”.

When the payment is registered, the transaction will immediately, change its status to “Settled”. The ITSN service will notify the company, automatically, about this change, to start dispatching the orders or provide the required service.

After paying the amount, the customer will be informed through SMS text, that has registered the payment. Subsequently, the order will be sent out, according to the terms and conditions agreed upon with the merchant.