Donate Now for Ukraine refugees

Let’s change OPEN HOUSE with OPEN HEARTS!

Donate for the Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children. Through the PEOPLE for PEOPLE campaign, APAIR (Asociatia Profesionala a Agentilor Imobiliari din Romania)  raises funds to provide free accommodation and food for Ukrainian refugees transiting Romania. We are strictly and personally committed to use the donations TRANSPARENTLY for THIS PURPOSES ONLY

Get involved and help today thousands of mothers and children fleeing war in Ukraine. 

They need PEOPLE with a big heart to open the door for them, now that their need is vital and urgent! 

Select the amount:$50$100$250$500$1000USD[tcb-script src=””][/tcb-script][tcb-script type=”text/javascript”]$(function () { var $suma = $(‘#f_sume’);var $valuta = $(‘#f_valuta’);var link = ”;var linkEN = ”;var $submit = $(‘#submit’);var $submitEN = $(‘#submitEN’);// exemplu suma noua : ‘,{“suma”:1000, “RON”:””, “EUR”:””, “USD”:””}’ +var links = ‘{‘ +'”linkuri”: [‘ +'{“suma”:50, “RON”:””, “EUR”:””, “USD”:””}’ +’,{“suma”:100, “RON”:””, “EUR”:””, “USD”:””}’ +’,{“suma”:250, “RON”:””, “EUR”:””, “USD”:””}’ +’,{“suma”:500, “RON”:””, “EUR”:””, “USD”:””}’ +’,{“suma”:1000, “RON”:””, “EUR”:””, “USD”:””}’ +’]}’;var j = JSON.parse(links);$suma.on(‘change’, function(){if ($suma.val() != 0 && $valuta.val() != 0){link = GetLink($suma.val(), $valuta.val(), j.linkuri);linkEN = link.replace(‘ro.htm’, ‘en.htm’);$submitEN.attr(‘href’, linkEN);$;//$submit.attr(‘href’, link);//$;}})$valuta.on(‘change’, function(){if ($valuta.val() != 0 && $suma.val() != 0){link = GetLink($suma.val(), $valuta.val(), j.linkuri);linkEN = link.replace(‘ro.htm’, ‘en.htm’);$submitEN.attr(‘href’, linkEN);$;//$submit.attr(‘href’, link);//$;}}) });function GetLink(vSuma, vValuta, json){var rez = ”;json.forEach(element => {if (element.suma == vSuma){rez = element[vValuta];}});return rez;}[/tcb-script]